Sunday, 10 July 2011

Healthy Life Without Cost And Sports Medicine

Rotary Club branch of Xin Zhuang, Taiwan, consisting of professionals including presidents, general managers, lawyers and senior surgeon, (11 / 5) and then, invited dr. Wang Yuanfu to present a paper titled Healthy Soul and Body - Health Methods and Drugs Without Fees.

Dr. Wang has 25 years experience in the specialist field of medicine as well as Maintenance of Life (Yang Sheng, 养生). A method that can prolong life and live happily.

According to dr. Wang, healthy without medication requires great spiritual intelligence, and there are 2 kinds of ways to get it:

Free from the Flu Virus in 24 Hours

The flu virus is easily spread, especially when the weather is uncertain. When flu attacks the body, of course, can interfere with your activities. Sneezing, body limp, watery eyes, and sometimes make your body shiver lay only weakly on the bed. 

Want to be cured of this disease? There is a way that you can increase metabolism and free of the flu virus. Follow the steps, as quoted by The Sun.

Cost of Disease Treatment Most Expensive

1. Mental illness ($ 142.2 billion) 

Mental illness is behavioral or psychological patterns associated with the suffering that occurs in the individual and not part of normal development or culture, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, depression and others. Development of new drugs and a long healing process that makes this disease the most costly diseases of all the maintenance costs of existing disease..

2. Heart disease ($ 123.1 billion) 

Heart disease remains the number one killer disease in the world. This is because the more people who smoke and increasing unhealthy lifestyle such as high cholesterol food and rarely exercise.

The World's Most Expensive Milk

You milk them know what is most expensive? cow's milk? goat's milk? clay flower milk? or milk ... ..? Rat milk is the answer hehe.

Why is this expensive? It was not easy to obtain "mouse milk". Process for 30 minutes only produce 0.25 thousandths of a cubic centimeter liter alias. It takes four thousand mice to obtain 1 liter of milk. A value of 1 liter of milk of these mice for 23 thousand euros.

Rat milk is used as a means of research. Genetic modified mice such that in the milk to form a substance that can eradicate malaria bacteria. If so why do scientists use mice and milk instead of cow's milk, which is much cheaper?

10 World's Mysterious Illness

Increasing number of new emerging diseases led researchers to try to continue to search for a cure. However, there are several diseases classified as the oldest in the world that until now there has been no cure. In fact, the cause of this disease are still mysterious.

Ten diseases that are also considered to be deadly is still studied by scientists. Here are the names of the mysterious disease, taken from Methods Of Healing.

Stomach Ulcer Difference Between Pain and Typhus

Symptoms of typhoid fever and gastritis do have some similarities of abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting. Therefore, many people who are sometimes misguided and wrong predict. Mistaken for heartburn, but when he was exposed to typhus.

If abdominal pain because there is no change in the pattern of ulcer CHAPTER (bowel movement), body heat and the pain that occurs in the upper abdomen or uluhati. While abdominal pain due to typhoid fever, pain in abdomen left because there is intestinal infection who have 12 fingers. That's what informed briefly by an expert in internal medicine, Dr. Dante Saksono H SpPD, PhD.

Healthy Tip: Drink 2 Liters of Water a Day

One important element of the six health factors mentioned by the concept of CBA's health was "healthy water". Why? because 70% of our body is water and therefore we need water to balance the body's metabolism. Health experts analyze at least our bodies every day need to consume 2 liters of pure water each day.

Well if you are confused how we can drink 2 liters of water every day. Please read the following recommendations to facilitate the schedule we consume 8 glasses of water or the equivalent of 2 liters of water.

Tips for Healthy Living Without Medicines

Multicomplex life today makes us be devastated by the "disease" peculiar that difficult to overcome, either by the immune system itself and drugs. Many people I met said always wanted to live healthy without having to be bound by drugs, but why do always get sick, so it was forced to take medication again taking medication again. Then how tricks to keep us healthy without frequent treatment?

It is no secret that our bodies have immune systems that can protect the body against disease. That is if the system works! Sometimes rather crashed. If it were so, so what may make! We are forced to seek treatment. However, undoubtedly also does not hurt to try a variety of tips to prevent disease to live without depending on drugs. Everywhere, which can be used to it: to prevent before it happens is better than cure is already rife.

Naturally Healthy Digestion

The food we eat is very influential on our digestive health. China has traditionally been the main principle is to eat regularly at a certain time. Often we eat, when our bodies did not need it, when we do not have enough digestive stomach acid to digest food. Food would not tercena well. Experience shows that irregular eat  cause various gastrointestinal problems.

Healthy with "Golden Lish"

Golden lish is a health food prepared from natural ingredients in the form of Ling Zhi mushroom, Shitake mushrooms, and Black Seed (black cumin) with the exact composition and processed in a modern way by experts in their fields. 

Golden lish very useful for treating various diseases caused due to unhealthy lifestyles and to keep the body from various diseases. Ling Zhi is a type of mushroom, dubbed as the fungus thousand properties, the menu of the kings, and king of herbal magic. 

In Chinese, Ling Zhi means the tree of life that has myriad benefits for human health. Ling Zhi mushroom becoming known in China since the reign of Emperor Shi Huang Tie (259 AD).
Lishi Zen, an expert in the treatment of the Ming Dynasty, said that the fungus is able to restore the power of life, increase energy, strengthen muscles and bones, joints smoothed, sharpens the mind, and when consumed continuously will be able to prolong life.