The flu virus is easily spread, especially when the weather is uncertain. When flu attacks the body, of course, can interfere with your activities. Sneezing, body limp, watery eyes, and sometimes make your body shiver lay only weakly on the bed.
Want to be cured of this disease? There is a way that you can increase metabolism and free of the flu virus. Follow the steps, as quoted by The Sun.
Want to be cured of this disease? There is a way that you can increase metabolism and free of the flu virus. Follow the steps, as quoted by The Sun.
After waking up and feeling the body does not fit, you should not miss breakfast. Breakfast is very important to fuel the body, especially when the immune system decline.
Dutch researchers stated, breakfast will increase levels of gamma interferon in the blood that acts as a natural antiviral. So, do not skip breakfast. Eat a warm, like porridge or soup.
Opponent with a flurry virus
Prolonged stress can indeed make you sick, because the immune system is weakened. But, you can use it to fight the flu. The trick, look busy. This can reduce the symptoms of flu come. This was stated by Professor Jim Horne, an expert from Loughborough University.
Mild exercise
Researchers from the University of Massachusetts found that people who do light physical activity less susceptible to upper respiratory infections, compared with those who did not move much. The researchers believe that moderate exercise would be able to strengthen immune function due to increased production of white blood cells.
If you exercise, you will see two benefits, said Charles Matthews (one researcher). One, you are not susceptible to the flu. Two, if you have a cold, it will usually recover quickly. You can do meditation or breathing exercises to keep the body more fit.
Consumption of foods high in protein
According to experts, eating foods high in protein other than make you fuller for longer, also good for endurance. Nutritionist, Dr Sarah Schenker, said protein is required to encourage the immune system.
Drinking green tea
Make a warm drink green tea in the afternoon, it will make the body warm. According to Canadian researchers green tea can encourage the body fight the virus growth. In green tea, found a chemical compound that can halt replication or multiplication of the virus.
Warm yourself
Wear warm clothing. This can help you fight the flu. Use a looser clothing to keep your blood circulation smoothly.
Adequate rest
A day, ideally on sleeping about eight hours. According to research, lack of rest, would debase the immune system to 50 percent. So, to keep the body healthy again in the next day, get enough sleep at night
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