Sunday, 10 July 2011

Naturally Healthy Digestion

The food we eat is very influential on our digestive health. China has traditionally been the main principle is to eat regularly at a certain time. Often we eat, when our bodies did not need it, when we do not have enough digestive stomach acid to digest food. Food would not tercena well. Experience shows that irregular eat  cause various gastrointestinal problems.

How to Maintain Digestive Health:
  1. Do not overeat, this can help digestion Foodolvers to be able to digest the food properly 
  2. Do not chew the food too quickly, because this does not allow enough time for digestion Foodolvers digest
  3. Avoid eating late at night. Because it makes the body use the energy of Yin (because of night work is the Yin energy), and the food is not processed again at night. 
  4. Excessive dieting resulted in weakness in the digestive and spleen Foodolvers. Eating while walking or standing is not recommended, because it will lead to energy blockages Foodolvers digestion. 
  5. Eating when stressed or worried, it is not good because it can cause abdominal pain and nausea. Likewise with eating when angry. When Foodolvers often suffer from digestive disorders can be provided at home Foodolvers, some of the following preparations: a drink containing lactobacillus (widely available in supermarkets), peppermint, chamomile and ginger herbal teas.

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