Multicomplex life today makes us be devastated by the "disease" peculiar that difficult to overcome, either by the immune system itself and drugs. Many people I met said always wanted to live healthy without having to be bound by drugs, but why do always get sick, so it was forced to take medication again taking medication again. Then how tricks to keep us healthy without frequent treatment?
It is no secret that our bodies have immune systems that can protect the body against disease. That is if the system works! Sometimes rather crashed. If it were so, so what may make! We are forced to seek treatment. However, undoubtedly also does not hurt to try a variety of tips to prevent disease to live without depending on drugs. Everywhere, which can be used to it: to prevent before it happens is better than cure is already rife.
It is no secret that our bodies have immune systems that can protect the body against disease. That is if the system works! Sometimes rather crashed. If it were so, so what may make! We are forced to seek treatment. However, undoubtedly also does not hurt to try a variety of tips to prevent disease to live without depending on drugs. Everywhere, which can be used to it: to prevent before it happens is better than cure is already rife.
Here are 10 tips:
1. Know yourself, whether physical or psychological
It's a bit philosophical, indeed, but in fact it is precisely here lies the key to everything. By knowing ourselves, we can know the physical weakness of our bodies, and then can decide what is good and don'ts for the body, and what is not.
For example high blood people, do not eat a lot of that trigger blood pressure rises. Likewise, people prone to anger and hard to control myself for not knowing her own shortcomings. After identifying weaknesses, and willing to improve his habits harmful for long he is not adept at keeping his emotions easily provoked. That blessing he seeks to know himself as well.
2. No rush to feel sick and taking medicine
Just as sneezing, coughing, or a slight fever, people have decided to take the medicine or comes to the doctor. And often after left three days, symptoms that go away. The body does have the ability to heal itself. Only with enough rest, pain symptoms were gone alone. Symptoms of dizziness and sometimes can be lost just because the fresh air in the park that are not contaminated exhaust air.
Symptoms are coughing and sneezing is also a serious sign that the body is trying to remove germs from the respiratory tract. Fever is the body's sweat is a sign of attack against germs. If the symptoms last for three days, due to the severity of attack, so what may make, we see a doctor for a medical consultation.
3. Pursue a variety of foods everyday
Do variations meal, start from the assumption that there are certain foods are more beneficial than the usual kind of food everyday. If we use this as a distraction for the type of food everyday, then the two groups of materials that can complement each other. When we used to eat chicken and beef, you should change that habit, and an occasional meal of fresh fish, tempeh, and tofu as a distraction.
If it day by day we eat green vegetables, because they thought that that was definitely a good all-round green, occasionally need to eat variety of vegetables and fruit is not green, such as tomatoes, carrots, baby corn, red bell peppers (as vegetable), bananas, mangoes , apples, oranges (for dessert).
4. Adjust the level of consumption with age
The amount of nutrients the body needs varies depending on the age, type of activity, and body condition (in sickness or health). In children and teenagers who are keen to grow jealous, the five elements in food (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, and water) is needed, so it need not be restricted. In contrast, in adults and the elderly, those limitations are absolutely necessary. Carbohydrate and fat as a producer of energy must be reduced in number, considering their physical activity has decreased.
How to reduce carbohydrates and fat is by reducing the portion of rice and fried. In contrast, vitamins and minerals and should be eaten with just water enough. These substances are very necessary to facilitate the body's metabolism, and increase durability. Just keep in mind that the best is to use natural vitamins, such as those contained in fruits and vegetables fresh. While the water you drink should be a sterile, safe from germs, such as mineral water that really qualifies as a mineral water.
It may also ordinary water which has always been boiled first. Approximately 60% of our body weight is water or liquid. That means we should drink more water than other food elements. People who are sick and was forced to take medication, even should drink more water. Patients 'disease' is difficult bowel movements, might be helped out of its misery with every day drinking 2-3 glasses of water before going to the rear.
Protein intake in adults and the elderly also need to be reduced, although not as much carbohydrate and fat reduction. How to reduce this protein is to replace sources of animal protein diet with food sources of vegetable protein, the protein levels or only slightly less. For example, beans, tofu, and tempeh.
5. Exercise regularly according to the ability
Exercise aimed at improving blood circulation, and accelerate the spread of nerve impulses to parts of the body or vice versa, so that the body always fit. Many people argue, without any sport we actually have to move the body like a sport, if you perform daily physical labor such as sweeping floors, cleaning, washing, and drying clothes.
But whether the "sport" of this sort can we do regularly and continuously? That problem in itself! Needed a strong will, based on the belief that exercise is absolutely necessary in order to keep the body fit, because the blood circulation was facilitated. This in turn can boost immunity.
The people with high blood pressure, heart disease, lung infections, and diabetes, should consult a doctor first to find out what type of exercise suitable. Usually low-intensity exercise and do not be too long.
Normal people who do not have a disease, it is better to choose a high aerobic capacity exercise such as swimming, a high-impact aerobics, stationary bicycle, and jogging.
6. Always keep clean
Clean environment in the home, yard, and residential complex to give a fresh and comfortable atmosphere. A study in the United States shows that the group home that has a page and a well-ordered environment, green, and beautiful, its inhabitants have a health percentage is much better than the poor house plants.
Clean environment also makes our bodies clean, both physical and spiritual. This condition can prevent physical ailments such as skin infections, dust allergy, flu, bronchitis, and the "disease" of spiritual stress, frustration and depression, the culprit of the immune system.
7. Taking time to relax
Taking time out for rest does not mean much more than working productively until beyond propriety. No! Taking the time to break it up a little while, and this is necessary, to set kendo for a while in between the tension-peak hours to work everyday. This needs to be done routinely. Relaxing does not mean having to do recreational exhausting, but quite come together to talk about everyday problems with office colleagues, neighbors or family at home.
It is not possible, they can help solve the problem, or at least ease your mind. Relax with a self-reflection and introspection are also necessary. The more frequent and routine is done, the better the balance of our souls. Sleeping comfortably is also a relaxing alone. Stamina will recover quickly, and the balance of hormones in the body too quickly achieved.
The body was tired and disheveled mind if allowed prolonged (until it is brought into the bedroom), would reduce the power of the immune system works. In turn facilitate the attack of the disease.
8. Back to nature
Trend in the early decades of the 1990s in Western countries is based on experience that lifestyle in modern times to encourage people to change their eating habits, such as more frequent eating canned food, bottled chili sauce, or fruit preserves. Also rarely moving the body because of the ease of using household tools, such as washing clothes with washing machine, sweeping the floor with a vacuum cleaner, traveling by vehicle, but only closer and healthier done by foot.
Our bodies are so spoiled, because it rarely moves, so easily hurt because of softening. Conversely, a martial arts warrior, despite living in the midst of modern times, is always a healthy body because it is still often walk, exercise routine by moving the body, and not use the tools of modern technology that makes people soft.
To return close to nature, we should instead go into martial arts warrior, but at least avoid canned food, and instead emphasis on eating vegetables and fruits fresh from the organic farm without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It's also good if we start taking the extra nutrients or supplements derived from herbs or plants are blended in a modern but still with a traditional recipe.
9. Processing respiratory
Respiratory process means adjusting the way and frequency of breathing to be more efficient. With air (oxygen) slowly in a matter of 15 then release it slowly also in a matter of 15, we can hold the oxygen in the body longer than usual. Oxygen will be used by the organs of the body effectively, although the number was just a little. So far, we breathe with an irregular frequency. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast. The oxygen diirup also quickly out again. Not until put to good use, was already out. In one minute we benapas five times or more.
However, the frequency of breathing was regular practice can be less than five times in a minute. Every time is always in, and efficient. As a result, oxygen is inhaled quite a bit, but was effective. The organs of the body will adjust to the availability of oxygen a little of this, and it actually benefit the body. Because, with little oxygen, but nonetheless have been effective, the body is not flooded with the results of CO2 breathing heavily, which is not good for health.
10. Fond of reading health
The phrase "Do not know it was love, not love then no love" is very fitting to satirize people who want a healthy body, but do not bother reading about health approach. If closer, we will know the ins and outs of it better health, and can then use it to formulate a strategy to avoid disease.
Well, if you want a healthy body without having to take medication every time the pain, then the tips above eligible to apply in your life. Only by improving your lifestyle, then the disease can be prevented except death. You are ready to live healthier?
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